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Showing posts from May, 2013

Fashion/ Makeup 2014

Dolce & Gabbana Fashion Fall 2014. Love this look :)  I came across this photo today of Fall Fashion hitting the runway and I had to share. This is so inventive. Who would have though that art from this period would influence fashion in the 21st Century. That is the creative mind" always inventing and reinventing fabulous things." So I have decided that my first video post will be me reinventing this makeup look :) Look for my video soon to come:) 

Ipsy Glam Bag for May 2013

Ipsy Glam Bag for May 2013:) I currently subscribe to Michelle Phan's monthly makeup/cosmetic bag called " IPSY". I have to tell you that since I have been working alot and rarely make it into the stores this is a fabulous way for me to get my cosmetic and makeup fix for only $10 a month. In this months bag they have a roll on perfume from Pacifica one of my favorite companies. It is Gardenia perfume which used to be my grandmothers favorite flower. In addition there is a nail polish by Zoya, a hair oil by Macadamia  a under eye concealer ( that I didn't picture here) and a wonderful lip Gloss by Juice. My favorite products are the roll on perfume and the lip gloss. Here is a link to the website if you want to check out getting your own subscription   !!!! I think on my next post is going to be a makeup video:) What do you think? 
The Lions Family May 2013 Hi Everyone sorry I have not posted in a  while have been busy with life:) Here is a picture of me and my husband at our friends wedding. The reason I thought to  post this is so that I can share more of who I am with all of you. My husband bought me this dress treated me to get my hair done, a massage and my eyebrows done the day before. He is the best, not because he did all of that, but because he never spares a moment to show his love and affection. To all the ladies and gents out there make sure that when you pick your life partner it's the best!!!!! (P.S. I didn't have time to do my at home spray tan:))

Brazilian Mango Body Wash

Pacifica Mango Body Wash I have been obsessing over Mango this past couple weeks. In high school there was a shop in the 90's called Garden Botanika. For all the 80's babies out there they had a scent  called Mango and since I moved from Portland Oregon  in high school I have not been able to find anything similar until  now!!! One of my favorite fragrance brands is  Pacifica  and they make this delicious Brazilian Mango scent. The body wash I use it for bubble baths, to wash my make up brushes, as a body wash and my husband loves it!  ( he is allergic to most fragrances in  products but because Pacifica uses ingredients from essential and natural oils he can use it with no problem.)  Since Spring is here slip into a delicious Mango Bubble Bath!!!! :)