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Showing posts from January, 2018

Wear Makeup Like a French Woman Au Naturale

Interview by Gemma from Formula Botanica we talk about what is shaping the Green Beauty Industry

Hi Everyone if you haven't seen this video interview that I did with Gemma it is packed with great Green Beauty tips and also our thoughts on what is currently shaping the industry and what the future holds as well. Please tell me in the comments what your current frustrations are with the Green Beauty industry and I will be happy to answer all your frustrations and questions in next blog post. My YouTube Channel is about to go live so keep informed by subscribing to my newsletter which you can do on my website at Thank you Gemma for this great opportunity to speak with you!-The Green Beauty Mom Callie Lions

Weleda a Mama and Baby Friendly Green Line

This is me at work in Whole Foods El Segundo educating customers on a great German brand called Weleda. Have you heard of it? I have been using their Baby Calendula line on my son and he loves it. After each bath he ask for his lotion and wants  to apply it him self. In addition they have other products in their range such as body care and if you have been in search of a good green clean deodorant I have switched over to using their Rose Deodorant and it works and smells great. Let me know if you want to hear more about this brand and I will do a full post , but for now when you are out shopping in Whole Foods or your local natural market pull out your EWG Skin Deep App and look up their products for your family. -The Green Beauty Mom