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A little touch of Hawaiian Paradise

Island Heritage Mango scented candle, Coconut Vanilla Hula Hands Sanitizer,  Hula Girl Nail Files and Island print cosmetic bags.

Aloha!!!!I am in love with this site called Island Heritage!It is a Hawaiian online store that carries everything that has a touch of Hawaii to it. Actually I discovered this through my boss. Two weeks ago I decided to log on and check it out! To my surprise there were so many things that I loved and wanted to purchase. But ladies you know I am on a budget!!It is a good thing actually teaching me responsibility with my $$$$ money:)I narrowed my purchase to these items above. I have to say that the shipping took a little long almost two weeks for the package to arrive. 
My favorite thing I got has to be the hula girl nail files!!! They are so adorable  I think I might have to give one to each of my coworkers and friends as a gift. To cute to hang on to just for myself. Share the LOVE !!! Anyways with Spring around the corner I wanted to get a new makeup and travel bag that was bright and cheerful. These defenitly did the trick and they were under $15.00 for both. Not crazy about the candle it didn't smell anything like Mango, but it looks cute. The hand sanitizer is in my purse and ready for use especially since everyone has been sick this season.:( Now I think I have an itch to go on a trip to Hawaii:) Check out their site and hope this was fun to explore..... Mahalo!


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