Following your dreams is more then just theory. If you really always cherish something in your heart one day it will come to fruition if you just take some sort of action. I am here to tell you that I always dreamed of having my own skin care line and now I am doing something toward that dream. Taking action for me doesn't usually happen when I am comfortable at my day job and living well or have a good cushion of financial security in the bank. What happened for me was I had a push from the universe and that is what inspired me to change my lifestyle and start taking action toward my dream. Hold on to it whatever it is in your heart and remember dreams + action = your reality!
Day 2: Reaching out to people in the field that you want to be in and asking for their valuable experience and advise......... I recently reached out to my favorite blogger and asked her what she thinks was the reasons for her success and what advice could she offer me starting out. Her response was so warm, clear and to the point. This really has helped me in creating a vision and action plan for my blogging. Wanted to share this to anyone who maybe stuck with the idea and dream in their head to actually taking some sort of action because you are overwhelmed where to start. That's where I was !!!! Hope this helps shed some light:) This was her response: Hi Callie! My advice is to not worry about the end result and just do/make/post/share what is most interesting to you. When I started the blog, I had no idea it would lead to a book- I was just having fun with it, and I think that sort of came across to people and made it more fun an approachable to follow. Focus...