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Healthy Detox for you and Spa Day at home:)

I took this photo in Japan it is a Peony :)
I have been on a journey the past couple of days looking for ways to improve my health. Around 2001 I discovered a place called Dr. Schultz. This is not the foot doctor:) LOL. This is a man that wanted to help people get healthy naturally using plants and herbs. He has a shop where he sells his products to the public near my home so I ventured in and met this amazing young women who works there. She sent me home with a sample of one of his products called Intestinal Formula #1. It helps to eliminate toxins out of your colon. Well  let's just say that it really works!!!!! I took it for one day and already feel better and have more energy and my body feels lighter. 
Today I went in to see her and thanked her for the sample and expertise and purchased a product called Air Detox. For those of us that can't afford $100 trip to the spa this is a wonderful way to do it at home for cheap. Air Detox is a spray formula that has Eucalyptus and citrus essential oils all in a bottle that brings you that spa aroma right into your home. So I am a huge Spa Goer as you guys may know by now, and I love the smell of the spa right when you walk in. It has always been a challenge for me to find a product that encapsulated that scent. Well I Found it with Air Detox. An extra benefit is that it  also kills bacteria in the air. 
Spa Day at Home :
So here is what I suggest:
Light some candles in your bathroom 
put on some Enya or relaxing music
draw a warm bath. 
Make sure to let the steam build up in the bathroom and spray some Air Detox. It will open up your lungs awaken your senses and most of all make you feel amazing:)Now you can save that $100 that you would have spent at the Spa on maybe some holiday gifts for your loved ones, since it is right around the corner:)  
Tata for now.:)  


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